"Who?" Wakeboard Video Premier

So the night finally came that I have been waiting for, for many moons...the night of my wakeboard movie "Who?" premier/release! It was a HUGE success, way better than what i anticipated. Thanks sooo much to everyone who came out and got down with us. Special thanks to all the movie sponsors...wakefactory, knoxwake, steez clothing, forever habit clothing, essi eyewear, wes bearden over at gravity research, and Boondocks Bar n restaurant for letting us show the movie and party hard at their facility. Sorry for any puke you had to clean up.  I couldn't have done any of it without your help.

The drive to the premier...I knew it was gunna be a gooooood night!

Essi Eyewear

Red Bull was in the hizouse

Miss Whit lookin' pretty

Steez Clothing

Havin pretty ladies around is always good


Is that a SHOCKA bein throw on an INFLATABLE screen?! Indeed to both

A couple people showed up to watch the vid

MC ROB gettin everyone amped n ready for the film

Look at the amplitude on that product toss!!!

The movie premier!!!

Who wants some Essi swag?!

Status check on Jeff Mathis....STOKED!! (He told me this so it's true)

The who? boobs BEGIN!

Steve Sims tends to have random girls just walk up and do this to him

Joe's pad got MADEOVER!


This may or may not have happened...


And there were more...

Extra cheese please

Essi is dope...literally

Matt Sims

T.J. Allen has a BIG tongue

Just a TAD happy

The host bar


Uh oh...more who? boobs!

It just never got old!

WHOA! is that a canadian?! indeed it is

Will Smith doin' what he does best...being awesome

Shred Ready and Steez Clothing. There's only one thing missing, THE WHO? BOOB!!!


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